The Full Story
Founder & Lead Photographer
James Hilton has been taking photos since he had his first Kodak “brownie” as a child. His photography interest progressed in college as he took photos in his free time, and worked as a contributing photographer for a college newspaper at the University of Wisconsin.
He has a keen interest in the arts and frequently visits art museums. His interest in art and art history led him to take photography courses in college and became a docent at the Chazen Museum of Art in 1977.
James created graphic copy and directed photoshoots for two previous employers, Biorad and Gammex RMI. These experiences sharpened his skills in framing a photo before the shutter is ever clicked. He has submitted photos to National Geographic as well as local news outlets during his time spent traveling the world.
Co-founder & CEO
Ann Dundas has a certificate in interior design and graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Business from the University of Stockholm. She is also a photographer and has previously worked as an executive assistant and business management professional for an educational startup, mini courses.
Ann's passion for art goes back to her 20's when she lived in Italy. She has visited scores of the best museums and galleries and has developed a keen eye for high-value art.
Ann has also been involved in and enjoys volunteering in her
son's school, specializing in reading and writing for 1st and
2nd-grade students. She strives to bring existing and rising
artists to further public visibility.